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Our company provides a full control on all bills and medical procedures, in addition to medical supervision through Jordan Health Aid Organization www.jordanhealthaid.org which is a free service for guests dealing with us.

Be with us to get the best rate & services in hospitals

Health Treatment in Jordan

Every town large and small, has at least one pharmacy, generally staffed by Western-trained, fluent English-speaking professionals. Unless you’re obviously a hospital case, these is where you should head first, since a pharmacist charges nothing for a “consultation”, and can either prescribe a remedy on the spot or referee you to a local doctor. If you’re given a medicine, find out explicitly from the pharmacist what the dosage is, since printed English information on the box might be sketchy.

If you need a doctor in Amman or elsewhere, ask us to recommend you one. All medical training in Jordan is in English, and so all doctors are fluent; many also received training in hospitals in the UK or the US. If you’re in real trouble, aim for the emergency room of a hospital; all large towns have them. If you need to be hospitalized for anything more than overnight, call us for advice. Standards of medical hygiene in giving injections and blood transfusions are as scrupulously high as in the West. Consultation fees and medical cost are much lower than in the West, but you should still get signed receipts for every thing in order to claim money back from your insurance company when you return.

If you have any doubts about the fee of the doctor or hospital, you can send us your invoice or claim either by fax or email to our offices where we will take all the necessary actions to help you.

Hospitals and Doctors

Jordan has achieved international medical recognition by pioneering some major surgical procedures in the region, such as open-heart surgery and in-vitro fertilization.

The medical sector has demonstrated particular progressive development through its contribution of sophisticated hospitals, care centers, medical tourism, and manufacturers.

Many patients from around the region come to Jordan for medical consultations and operations. Many regional buyers seek Jordanian pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. Jordan’ hospitals are full equipped with up to date machines and equipment, with the high quality medication and facilities, coming to Jordan for medication is a wise step to do. This is besides the well-trained doctors and nurses. It boasts more than 1400 Doctors, 4000 Dentists, 6000 Pharmacists, 93 Hospitals, plus many nursing schools, paramedics and technicians who have helped build the Jordanian medical structure. Many are also serving other countries in the region.

No. of beds/population is one of the highs ratios in the Middle East.

The occupancy rate varies across private and public sectors and across governorates.

11.3 % of the population has one episode of inpatient admission per year (total admissions/total population)

Jordanian physicians are highly qualified and certified with the American or French Board…. Or Fellowships from UK and another imminent leading countries in the field of Medicine

Private Hospitals increased since 1997; as 7 private hospitals have been added, thus increasing the number of beds from 2629 to 3168 in 1999, an average growth of 12%, then to year 2003 number of beds increased to 4006 with growth rate of 26.5%.

Dead Sea

One of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in the whole world – the Dead Sea eastern coast in Jordan – is steadily evolving into a major new hub of tourism in the region. A series of new roads, hotels, and archaeological discovers are converging to make this region the lowest spot on Earth, at 410 meters below sea level, as enticing to international visitors as it was to king, emperors, traders, and prophets in antiquity.

The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the hot, soothing super salty sea water which is rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine and several others. The unusually warm salty, buoyant and mineral rich water has attracted visitors since ancient times, all of whom have enjoyed the relaxation by floating effortlessly o heir backs while soaking up he water’s healthy minerals along the gently diffused rays of he Jordanian sun.

The Dead Sea’s total attractions is due to its unique combination of several factors: the chemical composition of its water, the filtered sun rays and oxygen – rich air, the mineral – rich black mud along the shoreline, and the adjacent freshwater and thermal mineral springs.

The Dead Sea itself is flanked by mountains to the east and rolling hills of Jerusalem to the west, giving it an almost other – worldly beauty.

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