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Be with us to get the best rate & services in hospitals

Specialty Hospital tends to safeguard a unique Hospitality & Medical services for all specialties in the local and international community through highly qualified staff serving 24 hours a day to continue giving the best results, and that parallel to the latest medical advances to approach the maximum level of performance at a convenient costs for the patient and the family, to facilitating the highest levels of quality in all medical aspects, and to maintaining performance levels that exceed the ISO standards, adopting the principles of CQI/CQM/and Risk Management, and the JCHCO, as part of different procedures to ensure the policy of the hospital in this field.

The Specialty Hospital located in the heart of Amman in Shmeisani, and it is divided into two parts:

1. The first contains the outpatient clinics, which includes a group of the most brilliant specialists.

2. The second part is the main building of the hospital, which contains the patients' rooms, medical and surgical departments, the emergency room, the management offices, and the other departments. All the hospital facilities are designed to serve handicaps.

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